
    2019-actual: Member of the demogenetics workshop (INRAE researchers)
    Discussions and feedbacks on the approach, opinion paper publication

    2020-2022: Member of the organizing committee and local host of the International Workshop of PhD students on salmonids NoWPaS 2021 (march 2021, virtual) and NoWPaS 2022 (march 2022, France)
    Sponsoring, budget management, event planning and management, communication.

    2019-2022: Member of the PhD students association (UMT)
    Scientific and collective animation of the ECOBIOP lab

    2018: Member of the organizing committee of the International Symposium ISOBAY 16
    Anglet - France


    2019: Scientific animations at Fête de la science
    Hendaye - France

    2018: Scientific animations at the Youth City Service on the theme of the "mad scientist"
    Anglet - France.